Propose New Time missing from Meeting Request
I was just sent an invite to a recurring meeting. I want to propose a new time, but only Accept, Tentative, Decline and another button shows to respond.
I then added the Propose New Time icon to the Quick Access Toolbar, but it is greyed out.
Why can't I propose a new time?
It appears that the meeting organizer has disabled the option for attendees to propose new times. If you still want to propose a different time, you'll have to contact the meeting organizer via other means.
The meeting organizer disabled the option to propose a new time for this meeting request.
Disable “Propose New Time” option for new meetings yourself
If you want to create a meeting with the “Propose New Time” option disabled for the invited, you can do this, while composing a new Meeting Request (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+Q), in the following way;
- Simplified Ribbon (Microsoft 365)
Meeting-> Response Options-> Allow New Time Proposals - Classic Ribbon
Meeting-> option group: Attendees-> button: Response Options-> Allow New Time Proposals
You can prevent the attendees from proposing a new time for the meeting.
Note: If you disable “Request Responses” then the option to propose a new time will be disabled as well for the invitee. This will also disable the dropdown options of the Accept/Tentative/Decline buttons.