Show Sender’s Company Name in the Message List

Show Sender’s Company Name in the Message List

For all my contacts (“clients” actually in my case), I’ve filled out the Company field on the Contact form. I’ve also made sure that the Company name is included in the contact’s Display Name.

My aim for this was that I could reveal the Company name directly in my message list so I could directly recognize which company the sender is from.

However, although I can add the Company field to my message list, the field remains blank. Also, my chosen display name for the contact seems to be ignored.

Why is this being ignored and more importantly; How can I achieve what I want?

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Export multiple Contacts as vCards

Export multiple Contacts as vCards

I found how I can save a single contact as a vCard, but is it also possible to export my entire Contacts folder in the vCard format rather than msg-files, txt-files or csv-files?

Can I also save them all within a single multi-contact vCard file which I can for instance import on my iPad?

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Pst-files vs. pst-archives vs. ost-files

Pst-files vs. pst-archives vs. ost-files

When going over some large files on my computer, I came across quite a few of pst-files and ost-files in various locations.

Some of these files are named after an email address, some are listed multiple times with a (2) or (3) behind it. Others were tagged as an archive.

What are the differences between these pst-files and ost-files?
Which ones should I keep and which ones can I delete?

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Moving Tasks items in bulk to another Due Date

Moving Tasks items in bulk to another Due Date

I think I’ve been a bit too optimistic about what I can still achieve before my Holiday starts and now I have quite a few Tasks which are due for the end of the week which I won’t be able to finish.

Luckily, they were not critical for me to keep me from going on my Holiday anyway.

Is there any way to move all these tasks at once to a date one week after my return?

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noname.eml attachments for Gmail or other web based mail clients

noname.eml attachments for Gmail or other web based mail clients

I sometimes forward messages which I’ve received or a sent as attachments to someone else.

Instead of receiving the attachments that I sent them, they receive them as noname.eml attachments which they cannot open. When they click on it, they only see gibberish.

This doesn’t happen for everyone but mainly for people who are using Gmail, or another web mail account rather than using Outlook.

How can I make sure that they receive the email attachments as it should and that they can read it?

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Always Pop Out: Disabling Reading Pane Reply

Always Pop Out: Disabling Reading Pane Reply

When I hit reply to an email, my response email stays within the preview pane until I select Pop Out.

I would like to disable that so that when I hit reply, it automatically opens a new window. I searched all over and could not find it.

Is there a way to disable it?

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Show next Reminder Time after using Snooze

Show next Reminder Time after using Snooze

I’ve go several appointments, meetings and tasks for which I’ve set a reminder well in advance to keep it on my mind. I then progressively snooze it until its due date and time.

Sometimes, I wonder whether I’ve snoozed it correctly and haven’t accidentally set it to snooze 5 minutes before start or even dismissed it.

Is there any way to find out when Outlook will display the next reminder for any given appointment, meeting or task?

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Schedule a recurring meeting X days before or after another recurring meeting

Schedule a recurring meeting X days before or after another recurring meeting

We have a Department Meeting each first Friday of the month. To prepare, we schedule a Team Meeting each Monday before this Friday.

I tried to get these as appointments into Outlook. Creating a recurring appointment for the first Friday of the month is not that hard but I'm struggling to set this up for the Monday meetings.

How do I create a recurring meeting scheduled 4 days before another recurring meeting?

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Color Categories in shared and delegate Calendars

Color Categories in shared and delegate Calendars

I’ve been granted delegate access to the Calendar folder of my manager. He uses various color coded categories for his appointments.

While I can see all his appointments when I access his Calendar folder, I can’t see any of the color coding anymore.

How can I see the color coding of his Calendar as a delegate?

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Instant spell check for Outlook Web App (OWA)

Instant spell check for Outlook Web App (OWA)

When I compose an email in Outlook, I get these red squiggly underlines when I misspelled a word. When I compose my message in Outlook Web App (OWA), I do not get these.

Is there any way to enable this instant spell check for OWA as well?

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