Changing the sort order of the To-Do Bar sections

Changing the sort order of the To-Do Bar sections

I’ve re-enabled the To-Do Bar in Outlook 2016 but the display order of the various sections is different from how it was in Outlook 2010.

My current order is:

  • Tasks
  • Contacts
  • Calendar

Is there any way to get the Calendar at the top again and Tasks at the bottom?

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Send meeting details in emails rather than as an invite or ics-attachment

Send meeting details in emails rather than as an invite or ics-attachment

Internally, we all use Outlook and we send each other invites for meetings as well, which works great.

However, when external people are invited as well, they sometimes complain that they can’t open the ics-attachment. Apparently, they are not using a mail client with Calendar support.

Is there any way to quickly send out the meeting details in an email as text without having to type it all manually?

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Suggested Contacts folder missing or doesn’t save new addresses in Outlook 2013 and later

Suggested Contacts folder missing or doesn’t save new addresses in Outlook 2013 and later

I’ve upgraded my desktop and laptop computer to Office 365 but I believe something went wrong with the “Suggested Contacts” folder.

On one computer, the Suggested Contacts folder is there but it no longer adds new addresses for people that I sent to but aren’t in my Address Book.

On my other computer, I started with a new mailbox and that mailbox doesn’t have a Suggested Contacts folder at all!

The AutoSuggest feature still works though for any past or new addresses.

What is going on and how do I restore the Suggested Contacts feature?

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Do not include weekends on Calendar printout

Do not include weekends on Calendar printout

When printing my weekly or monthly calendars, I'd like to print the week days only as that is my work schedule. The weekends are my own and thus are always empty for my work calendar.

To optimize the printing output and increase the display size of the actual working days, omitting Saturdays and Sundays would be great (like you can hide them in the Work Week Calendar View).

Is it possible to do this for printing as well?

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Displaying a Contact’s age and countdown to the next Birthday

Displaying a Contact’s age and countdown to the next Birthday

I got inspired by your last tip about displaying the days left before a task needs completion and tried to tweak it to create a countdown to a contact’s next birthday and also to create a column which displays the current age of that contact.

However, I can’t seem to come up with the correct formula.

Is it possible to create these columns for my contact list and if so, could you post the correct formula to use?

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Display days left before task needs completion

Display days left before task needs completion

In the To-Do List or Task List, I can see when a specific task is due. However, for planning purposes, I'd much rather want to know how many days I've got left before the task needs to be completed.

Is there any way to add a "Days Left" column?

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Showing the Ruler and Tab Stops in Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016

Showing the Ruler and Tab Stops in Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016

In previous versions of Outlook, there was an option to enable a ruler which you also described in a previous tip.

I have not been able to find this in Outlook 2016. I use this to create tab-stops to align my content and determine the with of images and tables for newsletters that I send out.

Is this option really gone in Outlook 2016 or can I still somehow enable it?

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Manually update or reset the Offline Address Book

Manually update or reset the Offline Address Book

I might have a problem with my Offline Address Book in Outlook.

For me, new colleagues are not showing up and the contact pictures aren't displaying either. They do for my colleague sitting next to me, so I don’t think it is a server misconfiguration or something like that.

Is there any way I can force a manual update of the Offline Address Book (OAB) in Outlook or reset it completely otherwise?

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Too many devices when connecting to

Too many devices when connecting to

I’ve been trying to configure my Hotmail account (which is now in Outlook 2013 via EAS but I get the following error:

There are too many devices syncing with this account.  To sync using Outlook, try removing another device that is connected with this account such as a phone or another computer.

Followed with:

Line: 97
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
FolderStatus: 177
To re-try press F9...
Error Code: 0x80004005

I’m only using my account on my mobile phone and Outlook 2013 on my laptop and desktop. I can’t find a method to remove any old computers which I might still have.

How can I fix this issue and sync my Hotmail account with Outlook again?

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Setting the Sent Items folder for IMAP accounts in Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016

Setting the Sent Items folder for IMAP accounts in Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016

I’ve configured Outlook 2013 with an IMAP account but my Sent Items aren’t being saved to the mail server. Instead, they are being saved to a Sent Items folder which has “(This computer only)” behind it.

I’ve tried to set the Sent Items folder in the account settings for my IMAP account but there is no “Sent Items” or a “Deleted Items” tab as there was in Outlook 2010.

How do I configure Outlook 2013 to save my Sent Items on the mail server?

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