Sender’s name contains specific text rule

Sender’s name contains specific text rule

I'm receiving messages from a digest list in which the From email address is always the same, but the actual display name is different and identifies which actual group it is coming from.

When creating a rule with the condition "with specific words in the sender's address" it only looks at the email address itself and not at the "friendly name".

Is there also a way to create a rule which looks at the friendly name instead of the actual email address?

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Single account with 2 different SMTP servers

Single account with 2 different SMTP servers

I have my email account configured on my laptop and when I'm at home, I use my Internet connection at home via WiFi to my router. When I'm on the road, I use my wireless 3G card.

The issue is that when I use it at home, in order to send emails, I need to set the SMTP server settings to my "home provider" and when I'm on the road, I need to set it to my "3G provider". This is quite cumbersome.

Can I configure my mail account with 2 SMTP servers so that I don't have to change it all the time?

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Outlook Hotmail Connector and HTTPS support

Outlook Hotmail Connector and HTTPS support

With the new version of the Outlook Hotmail Connector we see a common returning question;

Does this version of the Outlook Hotmail Connector support HTTPS and if not, when will this be added?

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Messages not being removed from server

Messages not being removed from server

I'm using a POP3 account and have Outlook configured not to leave a copy on the mail server. However, after I download the messages, they are still kept on the server as well.

Why are they still there and not being deleted?

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Calendar entries are duplicating

Calendar entries are duplicating

Looking at my Calendar, I see that several (not all) of my appointments and meetings are suddenly showing up multiple times (some even more than 5 times!).

How did this happen and how can I troubleshoot and fix this?

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Reply/Reply to All with original attachments

Reply/Reply to All with original attachments

Is it possible to Reply or Reply to All with the original attachments?

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Automatic spell check and Autocorrect not working

Automatic spell check and Autocorrect not working

I'm using Outlook 2016 with Office 2013 and noticed that the automatic spell check and AutoCorrect isn't working. I can check the spelling manually but mistyped words do not get those squirly red underlines.

How can I enable these features?

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Uninstalling Outlook or Office updates

Uninstalling Outlook or Office updates

After installing an update for Outlook, I'm encountering some strange issues with Outlook which I think are directly related to the update and not to any other Outlook issue.

How can I uninstall the update again to verify if the issue will indeed be gone then?

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Cache only Calendar and Contacts of a Shared Mailbox but not Emails

Cache only Calendar and Contacts of a Shared Mailbox but not Emails

I've noticed that my ost-file for my Exchange account is much (much!) larger than my own mailbox.

Aside from my own mailbox, I also have the mailbox of my manager and a colleague added to Outlook as I am a delegate for them. It appears that Outlook fully caches these mailboxes which both include a lot of large emails.

Is there any way I can configure Outlook to only cache the Calendar and Contacts folder?

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Not receiving some expected emails; Checklist

Someone has sent me a message but it still hasn't arrived. The sender has already sent it to me again but it still doesn't arrive either. I do receive other new messages from others though.

How do I troubleshoot this?

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