View all Outlook Social Connector status update messages

View all Outlook Social Connector status update messages

I use the Outlook Social Connector but most of the status update message from my contacts go unnoticed since you only really see them when you receive a message.

There are various contacts that I only “follow” and not regularly receive messages from. While I could open the contact or find an old message from these contacts to see all their updates, I was wondering;

Is there also a way to list all status updates of all contacts together?

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The Sent Items/Deleted Items folder is unavailable

The Sent Items/Deleted Items folder is unavailable

I'm using an IMAP account in Outlook 2010 and each time I try to send a message I get the following error (but the message still gets sent);

"The Sent Items folder is unavailable."

I get a similar error when deleting a message;

"The Deleted Items folder is unavailable."

This error is then followed by;

"The operation failed. The messaging interfaces have returned an unknown error. If the problem persists, restart Outlook."

I've restarted Outlook but I still get all these errors. How can I solve all these folder errors?

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Don’t resize embedded pictures based on window width

Don’t resize embedded pictures based on window width

I often embed screenshots or paste Excel tables as pictures (Windows Metafile) into my messages and they look good when composing.

However, when the messages are being received, Outlook automatically resizes these images based upon the width of the Reading Pane making them impossible to read without opening the message and/or resize message window (which not everyone is aware of).

How can I prevent Outlook from automatically resize these images and force it to always display it in full size?

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Skype availability in signature

Skype availability in signature

I have a link in my signature to contact me via Skype. This of course isn't much of a help when I'm currently offline.

Is it possible to directly show my Skype status in my signature?

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What are Hotfixes?

What are Hotfixes?

Both last week’s Quick Tips involved references to hotfixes which raised the following question for some;

What exactly are hotfixes and how are they different from other updates which I get offered via Windows Update?

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Archive based on Received instead of Modified date

Archive based on Received instead of Modified date

I’m using the AutoArchive function in Outlook to clean up the older items in my mailbox.

However, I noticed that some old emails are still in my mailbox even though their received date is from before the archive date. Apparently, the archive feature looks at the Modified date of a message rather than the Received date.

How can I archive based on the Received date instead of the Modified date?

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IMAP performance in Outlook 2010

IMAP performance in Outlook 2010

I upgraded to Outlook 2010 and I have the feeling that my IMAP account performance has become slower. Especially when switching folders, it takes quite a while for Outlook to become active again and shows "Not Responding" in the Title Bar.

Is there any way to speed up IMAP performance in Outlook 2010?

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Print or create a list of dates for a recurring meeting

Print or create a list of dates for a recurring meeting

I have a recurring appointment that is scheduled for the 4th Thursday of every month.

Is there a way to print just that series of appointments so I can see where it falls every month for the next year in printed form?

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Signature with Internet image and hyperlink

Signature with Internet image and hyperlink

I have a picture of myself located on the Internet which I want to add to my Signature. As I will regularly replace this picture with a newer one, I want it to automatically update in my Signature as well.

In addition, I want the image to point to my Facebook website when people click on it.

How can I set up such a dynamic signature image in Outlook?

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View or change the Office or Outlook Product Key

View or change the Office or Outlook Product Key

I've got several licenses for Office and Outlook but I'm not sure which one which ones I've used and which ones are free.

How can I find out which license I've used for which computer and how can I change the key if needed?

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Use "4PM76A8" to get a discount when ordering!