Daily Task List Planner

Daily Task List Planner

While I love the completeness of Outlook, it does make some small things in the real world rather cumbersome in the digital world.

For instance, I have a paper daily planner on my desk which only lists the days of the week in columns. For each day, I simply write down a few words or lines to remind me what I want to do today or what I should do that day; this process takes only a few minutes to clear my head of things to do without getting distracted.

If I were to do this with Outlook Tasks, I need a whole bunch of clicks and open new windows, carefully clicking the correct day and basically lose my train of thoughts.

Is there an easy way in Outlook to emulate the ease of use my beloved “Daily Task List Planner”?

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Apply Business Card template

Apply Business Card template

I've modified the Business Card template for a contact and I would like to use for my own contact card as well as several other contacts.

As I have a lot of details filled out for my contact already, I'm not looking forward to recreate it entirely.

How can I apply this template to my exisitng contact item?

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Blue arrow icon on folders

Blue arrow icon on folders

What does the blue arrow icon pointing left and right on a folder mean?

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Gmail and To-Do List duplicates

Gmail and To-Do List duplicates

Whenever I mark a message for follow up with a flag, I see that message 2 or even 3 times in the To-Do List. If I clear the flag the other items remain and only go away after a longer period of time or when I restart Outlook.

Why is this and how can I get rid of these duplicates?

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Cannot connect to or resolve name Exchange server

Cannot connect to or resolve name Exchange server

We're using an Exchange server but several of our clients are having difficulties connecting to the Exchange server. I've tried recreating the mail profile but then it cannot find the Exchange server at all. Disabling the client's firewall didn't solve the issue either.

Other users have no issues at all and I can ping the Exchange server from the troubled clients without issues as well.

How can I reconnect these clients to Exchange?

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Gmail accounts and disproportionally large ost- or pst-files

Gmail accounts and disproportionally large ost- or pst-files

My mailbox size as reported in Gmail is 7.3GB. However, my mailbox size reported in Outlook is 15GB and my pst-file is 19GB.

Why is there such a huge difference and how can I reduce the amount of space the pst-file takes on my disk?

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Working Offline and Reconnect to Server

Working Offline and Reconnect to Server

Outlook is showing that it is working Offline. Strangely enough, sometimes messages still do come in.

Why is this and how can I properly set it back Online and reconnect to the server again?

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Reply to all emails in a specific folder

Reply to all emails in a specific folder

Over a period of time, we've been receiving emails with feedback information. We've collected these messages into a separate folder. Now we want to reply to these messages with the results of the feedback and a thank you note. Considering the amount of messages, replying to each individual message isn't an option.

How can I reply to all these emails in a specific folder at once?

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Stop ignoring/moving conversations

Stop ignoring/moving conversations

I've been using the the "Ignore" button on some conversations hoping to get rid of some "noise" in my Inbox and created a "Move Conversation" rule on some other messages. However, some conversations went back to an interesting topic again and I want to start receiving them in my Inbox again.

I've looked at my list of rules, but I cannot find any rule in my list of rules which is responsible for moving/deleting this conversation.

How can I stop ignoring/moving a single conversations or stop ignoring any conversation?

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Exchange In-Place Archive not visible in Outlook

Exchange In-Place Archive not visible in Outlook

At work we use Exchange where I have a mailbox and an Archive mailbox.

At work I can see both my mailbox and Archive mailbox in Outlook. As I also have Outlook at home (via Microsoft 365), I configured my work account at home as well. However, at home I can only see my mailbox but not my Archive mailbox.

How can I make my Archive mailbox visible at home as well?

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