Printouts getting cut off on the side

Printouts getting cut off on the side

When printing a message, the right hand side of the message is being cut off. This usually only happen to the first page of the message and all other pages print out just fine.

How can I get the first page to print correctly as well?

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The mail profile was created with a newer version of Outlook

The mail profile was created with a newer version of Outlook

After going back from Outlook 2010 to Outlook 2007 I got the following message upon starting Outlook;

'The mail profile "Outlook" was created with a newer version of Outlook and might contain information that is not compatible with your current Outlook version. If you experience problems with this profile, you can create a new profile. In Windows Control Panel, open Mail, then click Show Profiles, and then click Add.'

I'm not experiencing any issues aside from getting this error each time I start Outlook.

Is there a way to get rid of this error without needing to recreate my mail profile?

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AutoComplete addresses lost in Outlook after restart

AutoComplete addresses lost in Outlook after restart

Every time when I restart Outlook, the AutoComplete cache is completely empty again and no suggestions are being made when addressing an email.

How can I make Outlook retain the addresses?

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Backing up the Address Book (and how to restore it when needed)

Backing up the Address Book (and how to restore it when needed)

How do I make a backup of all my contacts in the Address Book in Outlook?

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Remove Outlook search results from Start Menu

Remove Outlook search results from Start Menu

When typing in the Search field in the Start Menu, I also get results from Outlook. When presenting, I often start my applications via a Search in the Start Menu as well. Obviously, I do not want to reveal my contacts (customers) and some other data that I've stored in Outlook to others when doing this.

How can I prevent the Search results to also reveal Outlook data in the Start Menu?

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Outlook Connector Pack contents

Outlook Connector Pack contents

When installing Windows Live Essentials, I also installed something called the "Outlook Connector Pack".

What exactly is this? It used to contain the Outlook Connector, is this the same?

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Suggested Contacts folder is getting full

Suggested Contacts folder is getting full

Now that I'm using Outlook 2010, I've noticed that I have 2 contacts folders by default; Contacts and Suggested Contacts.
The result is that my contacts are now split over 2 folders as well with some being duplicates and containing different information in the different folders.

How can I get my contact management back to a single folder?

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Old appointments get deleted automatically

I noticed that my older appointments get deleted automatically after a couple of weeks. As I'm using the calendar also as a log of where I've been, I really need to keep these old appointments as a reference.

How can I make Outlook to keep all my appointments forever?

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Remove empty Personal Folders list

Remove empty Personal Folders list

I've configured Outlook with my e-mail account and that works just fine. However, the mails arrive in a separate Personal Folders file and leaves the one above it (holding Outlook Today) empty.

Can I remove this emty folder set or otherwise configure Outlook to use it instead of the separate Personal Folder set below it?

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Prevent Archive files from loading each time

Prevent Archive files from loading each time

I'm using the AutoArchive feature in Outlook to keep my main mailbox small and archive to a separate pst-file. However, my (huge) archive gets loaded each time when I start Outlook and slows down Outlook.

This of course counteracts the increase in speed I was aiming at with having a small mailbox by archiving.

How can I prevent Outlook from loading the archive each time and only open the archive when I need it?

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