Exchange cache options for your own and shared mailboxes

Exchange cache options for your own and shared mailboxes

When I work offline, I can still access my emails and folders in my own mailbox.

However, I’ve also got access to additional mailboxes and shared mail folders but these are only available when on-line.

Can I also somehow cache these folders?

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Highlight mail coming from a specific domain

Highlight mail coming from a specific domain

With Conditional Formatting, I can highlight incoming mail from a specific person.

Is it also possible to do this for all emails coming from a specific domain?

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IMAP and always download full items

IMAP and always download full items

I configured my account as an IMAP account and noticed that it will only download the message when I actually click on the message. This is actually quite annoying when I'm not connected to the Internet at that time.

How can I configure it so that it will directly download the message in full without clicking on it first?

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Outlook Contacts in Skype

Outlook Contacts in Skype

When using Outlook and Skype together, I can see my Outlook Contacts in Skype. When closing Outlook, they are gone.

How can I keep them in Skype so that I can also use them on another machine (and on my smartphone)?

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Sync and backup POP3 accounts via

Sync and backup POP3 accounts via

I have a POP3 account configured on my main computer and on my laptop. I noticed that it does not keep track of my read/unread status and other things such as Sent Items and other folder that I have. It also does not support bringing over the contacts and appointments.

How can I easily sync these changes?

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Libraries empty in Outlook 2003

Libraries empty in Outlook 2003

I'm using Outlook 2003 on Windows 7 and when inserting a picture or file from or when saving a message to a Library, the Library shows up empty.

Is there a fix for this?

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Import wab-file on Windows 7 or Windows 8

Import wab-file on Windows 7 or Windows 8

I have my contacts saved in a wab-file from my previous Outlook Express installation on Windows XP. I now have a new computer with Windows 7 and are running Outlook on it.

How can I import the addresses of my wab-file into Outlook?

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Relocate the archive file

Relocate the archive file

I’ve successfully moved my pst-file to another location, but doing that for my archive file only results in a new archive.pst file being created in the default location the next time AutoArchive runs.

How can I move the archive.pst file?

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Importing, exporting and backing up RSS Feeds

Importing, exporting and backing up RSS Feeds

I'm using both Outlook and a special website to keep track of my favorite websites via RSS Feeds. I have a couple of subscriptions in both Outlook and the web interface which I need to copy over so that all the subscriptions are in sync again.

How can I get these subscriptions over without having to retype each subscription address?

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Office Help Assistant in Windows 7

Office Help Assistant in Windows 7

When trying to launch the Office Assistant via the Help menu, I get the following error;

"The Office Assistant requires Microsoft Agent 2.0 or later. This product is available on the Office System Pack."

I've done a full install of Office 2003 and looked on the CD but I cannot find anything there.

How can I enable the Office Assistant again?

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