Unread mail count on logon screen is wrong

I see an Unread Mail count on the logon screen of WIndows XP. This would be handy if it would indeed display the correct amount of unread items.

Is there a way I can correct this count or can I simply disable it otherwise?

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Windows 7 and Outlook compatibility

Windows 7 and Outlook compatibility

I'm planning to upgrade to Windows 7, which version of Outlook are supported on it?

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View today’s RSS feeds only

Sometimes it is hard to keep up with all the news I receive from all my RSS feeds (I've got quite a few subscriptions). I find myself cycling through all the folders to see if there is something new in there.

The blue Unread Items notification is not of much help as I don't read all the entries of each and every RSS feed.

Is there a way I can for instance just see today's RSS items that I haven't read?

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Find e-mail between specific dates

Find e-mail between specific dates

I like the Instant Search feature of Outlook, but is there also a way to find an e-mail between specific dates?

Right now, I get too many results back and the Received option only gives me the pre-set option of today, yesterday, this week, last week, this month, last month, this year and last year.

None of them apply to my situation;
I know the name of the sender, I know some specific words and I know that it was between 3 and 4 months ago. Without setting the timeframe, I'm getting way too many results for it to be useful.

Is there any way I can do this query with Instant Search or do I have to use Advanced Find?

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Sync interval for Exchange account

Sync interval for Exchange account

I'm using an Exchange account in Cached Exchange Mode. I know that I'm looking at a local cache then instead of directly at my mailbox on the Exchange server.

How exactly is synchronization occurring and can I tweak it?

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Preparing Outlook for first use

Preparing Outlook for first use

I've been using Outlook 2007 for quite a while already but today when I started Outlook, I got the following notification;
"Preparing Outlook for first use."

Then it shows a dialog where it appears to be importing by emails which is taking forever.

What exactly is going on here and why does Outlook state that it hasn't been used before?

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Rename mail profile

Rename mail profile

To keep my work and private e-mail completely separate, I've added an additional mail profile to Outlook. I've named this new mail profile after my company. The original mail profile is called Outlook.

Is there any way I could rename this mail profile to something more indicative like "private emails"?

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Blocked Senders size limit

When I tried to mark a message a Junk, I got the following error;
"An error occurred processing your Junk E-mail list. You are over the size limit allowed at the server. Contact your server administrator."

What is this limit and how can I continue to fight spam?

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Synchronize frequently used contacts only

I'm storing a lot of contacts in Outlook and I synchronize my mobile phone with Outlook. Because of all those contacts, it is hard to find the correct one on my mobile phone and is making my mobile quite slow. Most of them I'll never use on my phone anyway.

Is there a way that I can sync only the contacts that I use the most?

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Don’t share private items

Don’t share private items

As a company policy, we need to delegate our Inbox to several colleagues as well so that in case of a holiday, illness or other kind of absence, they can still check if important mails are coming in.

I sometimes also receive messages at work from family and friends (which is allowed as long as long as we don't spent hours on our reply).

How can I configure Outlook that my colleagues do not have access to these items?

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