Breaking down large attachments

Breaking down large attachments

I need to send a large file but it gets stuck in the Outbox and I get errors that the message is too large to be submitted.

How can I still send this large attachment?

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fxsext32.dll error

Upon starting Outlook or sending an email, I get the following error;

"The add in C:\WINDOWS\system32\fxsext32.dll could not be installed or loaded."

I've checked, and the file indeed isn't there. I did a repair on Office and it still does this.

How can I get fix this error?

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Public Folder Contacts and Calendars in Navigation Pane

Public Folder Contacts and Calendars in Navigation Pane

Outlook keeps a lists of Calendar and Contacts that I have accessed from other users in the Calendar and Contacts Navigation; this works great.

However, we also have several Contacts and Calendar folders in Public Folders, and when I access those, I do not see them added to the Contacts and Calendar Navigation.

How can I make them show up there?

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Icons not showing Forward/Reply status

When I forward or reply an email in Outlook, I can no longer see by looking at the orignal email that I have forwarded it or replied to it.

How do I get that back?

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Editing the Registry

Editing the Registry

Quite a few of your tips discuss options in Outlook that can only be configured in the Registry.

I see things then like Key, Value name, Value type and Value.

How does it work exactly and what should I do with those values?

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Attachments coming in as gz-files

Lately, all my attachments are being received as gz-files. For instance a Word document comes in as a .docx.gz file instead of a .docx files.

How can I can I receive my emails normally again with their original extension?

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Folder is full

Folder is full

When I try to delete a folder or move a folder, I get:

"Cannot Move The Items. The Folder is Full."

If I try to rename a folder, I get:

"Cannot rename '<new folder name>'. The Folder is Full".

I get this even with folders that have nothing in them.

Permanently deleting (SHIFT+DELETE) doesn't work either and results in the error:

"The message interface has returned an unknown error. If the problem persists, restart Outlook."

How can I get Outlook back to work again?

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Sync Issues folder; Where and what is it?

I got an error in Outlook which said to look in the Sync Issues folder for more details.

Where is that folder located?

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Links show different color in Signature

I have my company's website address in my signature and it should be blue and underlined.

However, it shows up purple. In the editor it shows as blue and even when I recreate it, it shows up as purple again.

How can I make it stay blue?

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Reminder that Out of Office is still on

Reminder that Out of Office is still on

Is there any way in Outlook 2007 to get reminded more visually that my Out of Office is still on?

With Outlook 2003 you would get a dialog box for which I had to click "Yes" or "No" to leave it on or turn it off before I gained access to Outlook.

Is there any way to get that dialog back?

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